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Ready To Change The World One Brain At A Time?

Join our Global Tribe of Mind Mapping Trainers in sharing "The world's most powerful thinking tool"

  • Unleash your Leadership and entrpreneurial potential

  • Be recognised as a global expert as you expand your coaching skills 

  • Expand your impact and reach as you acquire and deploy new knowledge

Get Certfiied NOW!

Why joining us as a Mind Mapping Trainer could help you achieve your goals!

Unleash Your Leadership Potential

Joining us as a Mind Map Trainer allows you to step into a position of influence and become a leader in your community, empowering others with the transformative power of Mind Mapping as you expand your own coaching business. 

Gain Expertise and Recognition

As a certified Mind Map Trainer, you'll have access to our comprehensive online course and certification meeting with Phil Chambers, honing your expertise in Mind Mapping and earning the recognition you deserve as a skilled practitioner in this powerful thinking tool.

Expand Your Impact and Reach

By becoming a Mind Map Trainer, you'll be listed on our prestigious Mind Map Trainer database and featured on our website, giving you the opportunity to reach a wider audience, make a difference in the lives of others, and establish yourself as a respected expert in the field.

 What Will The Training Cover?

Not only how to create superior hand-drawn and memorable Mind Maps in the way championed by Tony Buzan - with focus on the three main types of Mind Maps that will create the biggest impact with your students BUT ........

Mind Mapping

We are deluged by the amount of words flowing through our daily lives - here is how to sift, sort and collate all this information into Mind Maps that you can remember for a lifetime!

Memory Skills

There is genius in blending Mind Mapping and the power of a trained brain together to create Memory Matrixes that empower and accelerate success for your clients.

Study Systems 

In a world where we all want to do more in less time- enter the study systems that work with how your brain LOVES to learn and HATES to be bored! How to learn once and remember forever!

How to Get Officially Certified?

Now that you have made this decision you will want to move fast - right? So here is the fast-track to certification!

    Complete the Mind Mapping Trainer Course

    We have created a comprehensive course for you to work through in your own time that covers all the fundamentals of good, quality, hand-drawn Mind Maps as developed by Tony Buzan.

    Create Three Compelling Mind Maps

    Now its your turn to show us what you know, understand and can create. Produce three Mind Maps and submit to Chief Arbiter and Mind Map World Champion, Phil Chambers to be assessed for quality and understanding.

    Meet with Phil to discuss & GRADUATE!

    Book an "in person" session with Phil Chambers to get direct feedback on your Mind Maps and gain your official certification and digital assets to showcase your newly qualified status as well as access to our weekly "Open Hours" mentoring calls. 

This Is Just The First Step - There Is So Much Further You Can Go! 

We believe that we should partner with trainers who have strong, sustainable foundations and help them to postion themselves as "Top Trainers in the World!" 

From working with kids around your kitchen table as a Community Coach to standing in front of thousands and a multiple six figure business leader we have a pathway to success thats is only limited by your ambition and desire. 

Quickstart Access! 

We know that when you have made your decision you are ready to get started NOW! So what is included in the Quickstart Course that you can get access to TODAY!!


Short instructional videos not only teaching you how to learn - but showing you how to teach!


Access to your Mentor Phil Chambers and his weekly "Open Office"sessions to get your questions answerred. 


You don't need to create worksheets and outline presentations to begin with -we have created them all for you to access directly!


Useful downloads such as high quality example Mind Maps and workflows created for you in the resource section! Access to Special Events! 

Get Certified NOW!

For Coaches That Are Confident They Understand Their Market!

This is a Fast-Action programme for experienced trainers who wish to add Mind Mapping to their training repertoire or who wish to incorporate Mind Mapping as a tool within their own existing training business. 

Mind Map Trainer course is a game-changer! Thanks to Phil's expertise and guidance, I'm now a certified Mind Map Trainer ready to rock the world. Grateful for this opportunity!

- John, New York City, USA

"Becoming a Mind Map Trainer through this course has been a transformative journey. Thanks to the comprehensive training and support from Phil, I'm equipped to inspire others with the power of Mind Mapping.

- Michelle, Liverpool, UK

"The Mind Map Trainer Certification course exceeded my expectations. Thanks to Phil's mentorship, I'm now a confident and skilled Mind Map Trainer, making a positive impact in my community.

- Javier, Barcelona, Spain

About Your Coach - Elaine Colliar

Elaine is the Five Times World Mind Mapping Champion and an International Grandmaster of Mind Mapping.

Elaine was Senior Arbiter of the World Memory Championship and continues to be a Senior Arbiter in both the World Mind Mapping and Speed Reading Championships.

She is our "Curriculum Queen" creating and managing the content for The Mind Map Academy Membership.

She mentors our Global Coaches to create their high-impact and high-income coaching businesses in her "100 Days to 100k" coaching programme. 

About Your Mentor - Phil Chambers

Phil is a double World Mind Mapping Champion, an International Grandmaster of Mind Mapping, and a Grandmaster Trainer in Speed Reading.

Phil is also President Emeritus of the Guild of Mind Sports Arbiters (GOMSA) and is a senior arbiter for both the World Mind Mapping and World Speed Reading Championships.

His Mind Maps have been published in Tony Buzan's GCSE Revision and Literature Guides, "Use Your Head", "Mind Maps for Business", "The Mind Map Book" and "Mind Maps Mastery"

Phil heads up our Academy faculty - supporting our existing and new coaches in being the very best in the world within their businesses and as advocates of Global Mental Literacy